Friday, April 10, 2009

Druggie Roommate Problems

If your roommate is doing something illegal, talk to your RA, who will either handle it him/herself or alert the Staff Resident about it.

I know a girl who had a roommate that did coke and smoked marijuana all the time. The Resident Assistant was alerted, who in turn alerted the Staff Resident. The police told her to call them whenever there is hard evidence that her roommate has been snorting.

From what I know, I think she is snorting off the toilet seats because she goes to the bathroom. It's atrocious. She's crazy.

Since I know that the police have already been alerted, I won't do anything else. However, I hope that girl gets in A LOT OF TROUBLE. I don't know if it's considered spiteful if people get the punishment they deserve, but if it is, I AM SPITEFUL!

If you don't report it to the police, something else happens, like your roommate puts his/her stash in your room, and when the cops raid your place, you get arrested too. Keep that in mind.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Try your best to avoid all nighters

My friend B. told me that he accidentally pulled an all nighter just two days ago. I shook my head and reminded myself to post about it. He told me that he was studying for Inorganic Chemistry until 4 AM and after 2 more hours of playing video games (boys will be boys), he looked at the clock and finally went to bed and woke up at 11 AM. Nice work, but you're not getting enough sleep (naughty!).

All nighters usually mean that you're typing up a paper due the next day (or a few hours 8:30 AM) or studying like crazy. Try to manage your time a TINY bit better to avoid be cranky and running on Red Bull/Coffee/Ritalin/Chocolate(??? j/k)/etc. By the way, illegal means of staying up is never a good idea. And do I even need to repeat that you should avoid anything illegal? I'll say it again: AVOID ILLEGAL THINGS.

OK anyways, your body will be quite upset with you, and lack of sleep leads to a weakened immune system, crankiness, and bags under your eyes. No one wants to be near you (let alone smell you).

Just use your time wisely, and if you have a big 30 page paper to write, try to space it over a few days or at least dedicate an entire day (that is not RIGHT before the due date) to hammering it out. Most of my Saturdays while everyone is recovering from hang overs (or other things, I suppose) was spent being a good girl and earning my A's. Booyeah! Ok fine, A's and B's. I hate you.

By the way, pulling an all nighter usually means academically-related stress due to procrastination. If you spend the entire night playing DOTA or Halo 3 and are grumpy the next day, no one is going to feel sorry for you. One of my ex-boyfriends plays video games enough that it affects his school work. Use your common sense!! If you don't have any, get someone to smack you and then ask for advice.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Most people don't face the task of going grocery shopping until after their freshman year, but just in case, I will make a post about it for everyone. :)

I used to live in the backyard of Wal-Mart, which is a one-to-one parts blessing and curse. Things were just a quick 3 minute drive away, and that was awesome.

I remember this HUGE guy behind the checkout counter, who was busy eying my purchases. I told him, sheepishly, that you probably shouldn't EVER go grocery shopping while you're hungry (and a small Asian). He laughed, and I laughed. But at the end of the day, Wal-Mart had the last laugh. I easily spent $100 every time I went there. *blush*

Lesson #1: Do not go grocery shopping when you are hungry.
Lesson #2: Try to make a grocery list around the refrigerator to stop from impulse buying.
Lesson #3: Try to coordinate with your roommates (provided that you share your food) because you could save money. Food is surprisingly expensive.
Lesson #4: Last but not least, try to resist the gravitational forces pulling you to the soda and chips aisles. Stay in the fresh produce, dairy and cereal sections. Cereal is going to quickly become your best friend (except for my friend B because he is too picky -_-;;;).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Avoid "CC"

My friend tells me CC means "campus couple," but he did say that avoid having a boyfriend/girlfriend your first year. I have never heard of this acronym, but it serves its purpose just the same.

What does this mean?

Well, you know that I had a long term relationship (that went too long, but I admit that I did not suffer as much as the next person). However, I think that most people will agree that focusing on making friends and keeping up with all your classes and random activities will do you better than to not make friends and instead only see one person most of the time. Common sense, yes?

It's nice when you share quality time with a person though, but I would just recommend that you get a boyfriend after weighing the pros/cons CONSIDERABLY, especially during your freshman year when you're just settling into college life.

Don't restrict yourself like I did.

