Friday, April 10, 2009

Druggie Roommate Problems

If your roommate is doing something illegal, talk to your RA, who will either handle it him/herself or alert the Staff Resident about it.

I know a girl who had a roommate that did coke and smoked marijuana all the time. The Resident Assistant was alerted, who in turn alerted the Staff Resident. The police told her to call them whenever there is hard evidence that her roommate has been snorting.

From what I know, I think she is snorting off the toilet seats because she goes to the bathroom. It's atrocious. She's crazy.

Since I know that the police have already been alerted, I won't do anything else. However, I hope that girl gets in A LOT OF TROUBLE. I don't know if it's considered spiteful if people get the punishment they deserve, but if it is, I AM SPITEFUL!

If you don't report it to the police, something else happens, like your roommate puts his/her stash in your room, and when the cops raid your place, you get arrested too. Keep that in mind.

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