Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hello My Dearest Tinky (Tinkerbottom),

Yes, you will never outgrow this assortment of nicknames.

A lot of people saw me at the end of my three-supposed-to-be-four-years marathon and asked me for advice. 

I know that you may have a lot of common sense and will not need some of this information, but I want to give everything that I have thought of to you anyways.  The things that don't apply to you are gifts to the rest of the audience who have less common sense than you or I. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but those who lack any common sense probably will show up in one of my e-mails from the Darwin Award newsletter.

Much Love,

1 comment:

CH1 said...

Haha :) Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that nobody else calls me that.
