Sunday, June 21, 2009

Taking Classes to Boost Your GPA

I know that I've mentioned that taking easy classes (like Introduction to Sociology or Introduction to Political Science) will help boost your grade, but there is another element of surprise that you can employ in order to boost your GPA even more. It's called taking hard classes to boost your GPA.

If you come from an average high school and didn't do as well in English class as you hoped, do not enroll yourself into an English class that is killer. If you did extremely well in physics however, even though there is a lab and four credit hours, you can take these MAJOR GPA boosters and laugh while the other people cower at the sight of you.

Chemistry 116 is the death of many people who aspire to be engineers, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, doctors, researchers, and veterinarians. At least, at Purdue. I had taken 2 years of Chemistry before going to Purdue. Even though I was forced into taking a chemistry class by my no-good medical school advisor, ultimately, people bowed to me as I passed them because I had gotten that A in a four hour lab during the summer, when it is most intensive (but not so much).

Last time: If you did well in high school in a particular subject, consider taking a class (even if unnecessary) so that it will boost your GPA.

However, if you realize that you are over your limit, get out of there ASAP!!!!!!! A "W" for withdrawl looks better than a D or an F.

The only withdrawl I had on my record was when I had to technically withdraw from French 101 in order to go to French 202. Apparently if you know salutations, the alphabet, and your numbers, you can go to 200-level courses. Cake.

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