Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Find a way to relieve stress

When you have friends, you have stress. When you're in school, you have stress. Stress, stress, and more stress. Dealing with it took me a while to figure out, so I'm just passing on my experience.

Playing piano was my way of relieving stress, but working out or playing sports could work for other people.  Everyone has a digital camera these days (don't worry, I can give you mine), so go out for about an hour or two (maybe with a friend) and take some pictures. 

This method of relieving stress should be available to you at least 3-4 times a week (my piano just sat there, vigilant. haha!).  

Perhaps reading a book or taking a nice long bath (as you are SO inclined to do anyways) is your modus operandi. 

Socializing in constructive ways, such as cooking together, also made me happy (therefore, de-stress). However, 

an omelette every morning is NOT GOOD for your health!!

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